Making the World a Better Place, One Pint at a Time

Brew News

North Coast Brewing Company Brewmaster, Patrick Broderick, recently shared insight with Brewer Magazine on the brewery’s approach to quality assurance. An excerpt from Brewer Magazine’s article is as follows:

North Coast conducts weekly meetings that enforce the company’s procedural philosophies and compliance with them to all members of the team. When a lack of compliance occurs, disciplinary action must take place to communicate expectations.

 “If there is no enforcement, then there is no structure,” Broderick said. “Our team knows what is expected, so they perform to that level.

 “I’ve found that employees prefer this kind of structure; it helps them do their jobs when there is no grey area in what they are supposed to be doing and they can see the results. We make great beer, and they are responsible for that.”

 Read Brewer Magazine’s full article.

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