News Archives

A Love Letter From Our Friend Wade

"I wanted to tell you of an unexpected delight I had recently. I visited my sister's house a few weeks ago, where I used to live and brew. I journeyed down to the cellar after she reminded me I had some old bottles there. As I blew the dust off the bottles of old root...

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Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout Review

"The taste is something else, bitter chocolate and espresso with a sweet finish. I have to say that if you like bitter chocolate and beer—strong beer—you'll like this. Nice creamy yet carbonated mouthfeel keeps it from being cloying. This is something you want to sip...

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North Coast Releases Old Stock Ale 2009

North Coast Brewing has announced the much anticipated release of its 2009 vintage Old Stock Ale.  Since it sprang onto the beer scene in 2000 with the award of a Platinum medal at the World Beer Championships, Old Stock has won two Great American Beer Fest medals as...

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Introducing Le Merle

Our new Belgian Farmhouse Style Ale (Saison) called Le Merle—The Blackbird— is now widely available at retail outlets in 750ml corked and wired bottles. This subtle, sophisticated beer has already gotten some critical endorsement. It’s lovely stuff traditionally...

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20th Anniversary Celebration

North Coast Brewing completed the celebration of its 20th anniversary on Sunday, September 7.  The festivities began on Friday evening with a banquet honoring many of those in the industry who had contributed to the brewery’s success.  That was followed by a beer and...

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Barrel-Aged Beers

North Coast has an active program of developing even more amazing beers than are in the regular portfolio. Brewmaster Mark Ruedrich has created some small batch, barrel-aged beers that are truly remarkable. Aging high gravity beers in oak barrels adds a whole new...

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