Making the World a Better Place, One Pint at a Time

Brew News

North Coast Brewing Grand CruWe’re very excited to release our latest premium beer, Grand Cru. We’ve had a good time exploring the brewing possibilities outside of the standard beer styles; Grand Cru doesn’t fit neatly into any established category.

Reminiscent of our Gold Medal-winning Twentieth Anniversary Ale, North Coast Grand Cru is brewed exclusively with Pils malt, with an addition of agave nectar in the kettle. It’s subtle, complex, and lightly hopped with a deceptive 12.5% ABV, and aging it in oak gives this unique beer an extra dimension. The result is really champagne-like.

North Coast Grand Cru will be available in July in 500 ML bottles with a cork and wire finish and in 1/6 BBL kegs in limited markets throughout the country. Read more about Grand Cru.

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