Brew News

Help Make Our Industry as Diverse as the Beers We Create
Support Brewing Scholarships from North Coast Brewing Company and UC Davis According to a recent survey by the Brewers Association, more than 88% of U.S. craft brewery owners and 89% of brewers are Caucasian (and majority male). As an industry, as a beer-loving...

Celebrate World Oceans Day with an Ocean-Friendly IPA
Our President and Co-Founder Mark Ruedrich has had a lifelong interest in the sea and marine life, earning a degree in Zoology with the intention of one day working as a Marine Biologist. When he reached California's North Coast, however, he decided to open a brewery...

Read Our 2017 Sustainability Report!
We're proud to release our 2017 Sustainability Report, now available online, documenting our plan to make the world a better place, one pint at a time. Acknowledging climate change as the biggest challenge facing the world today, we have accelerated our commitment to...

7 Reasons Drinking North Coast Beer is Good for the Planet
When we started brewing beer 30 years ago, the world was just beginning to take climate change seriously. Today, we recognize this threat as the biggest challenge facing our planet. That's why we view our commitment to environmental stewardship as a necessity and hope...